We previously posted a set of questions and answers that would help with making friends in Chinese. Now it’s time to go and out with them and have some fun! Below is another list of useful phrases and words that you can use to arrange to meet and go out with your new found friends!
If you want to start from the beginning of our vocabulary lists for newbies, take a look at our Basic Phrases for Beginners of Chinese.
Useful Phrases for Hanging Out
The following words and phrases are useful for having discussions with your Chinese friends. Since you won’t always agree, learn how to disagree, argue your point and admit that you were wrong.
你相信吗?(nǐ xiāng xìn ma?) Do you believe it?
可能是真的。(kě néng shì zhēn de) It might be true.
我相信!(wǒ xiāng xìn) I believe it!
我不相信。(wǒ bù xiāng xìn) I don’t believe it!
真的吗?(zhēn de ma) Really?
那是假的! (nà shi jiǎ de) That’s not true!
你说谎!(nǐ shuō huǎng) You lied!
说真的 (shuō zhēn de) Be honest
你怎么知道?(nǐ zěn me zhī dao) How do you know?
谁说的?(shéi shuō de) Who said it?
我认识那个人。(wǒ rèn shi nà gè rén) I know that person.
我认识他/她。(wǒ rèn shi tā/tā) I know him/her.
看情况。(kàn qíng kuàng) It depends.
我同意。(wǒ tóng yì) I agree.
我不同意。(wǒ bù tóng yì) I don’t agree.
我没想过。(wǒ méi xiǎng guò) I didn’t think of that.
我没考虑过。(wǒ méi kǎo lǜ guò) I didn’t think of that.
我就知道。(wǒ jiù zhī dao) I figured that.
我们想到一块去了。(wǒ men xiǎng dào yī kuài qù le) Our thoughts are the same.
你在乎吗?(nǐ zài hu ma?) Do you care?
你在乎。。。吗?(nǐ zài hu…ma?) Do you care about…?
我不在乎。(wǒ bú zài hu) I don’t care.
管他呢 (guǎn tā ne) Whatever (it doesn’t matter).
都可以。(dōu kě yǐ) Either is fine.
没问题。(méi wèn tí) No problem.
没关系。(méi guān xi) It doesn’t matter.
去吧。(qù ba) Go for it!
我有办法。(wǒ yǒu bàn fǎ) I’ve got an idea.
什么办法?(shén me bàn fǎ) What way? (how can something be done?)
你不可能做到! (nǐ bù kě néng zuò dào) There’s no way you can do that!
没办法。(méi bàn fǎ) It can’t be helped.
你为什么这么做? (nǐ wèi shén me zhè me zuò.) Why did you do that?
Arranging to Go Out with Chinese Friends
开始吧。(kāi shǐ ba) Let’s start.
做完了吗?(zuò wán le ma?) Finished?
做完了。(zuò wán le) Finished.
有空吗?(yǒu kòng ma?) Do you have time?
你什么时候可以。。。? (nǐ shén me shí hou kě yǐ…) When can you…?
来 (lái) Come
去 (qù) Go
做 (zuò) Do it
If you use these three verbs by themselves, add 吧 (ba) as a suggestion.
你想去吗?(nǐ xiǎng qù ma) Do you want to go?
我不能去。(wǒ bù néng qù) I can’t go.
你想去。。? (nǐ xiǎng qù…) Would you like to go to…?

酒吧 (jiǔ bā) Bar/Pub
餐厅 (cān tīng) Restaurant
饭店 (fàn diàn) Restaurant

公园 (gōng yuán) Park
慢跑 (màn pǎo) Jogging
游泳 (yóu yǒng) Swimming
电影 (diàn yǐng) Movie
准备好了吗?(zhǔn bèi hǎo le ma?) Are you ready?
好了。(hǎo le) I’m Ready.
还没。(hái méi) Not yet.
我们在。。。见。(wǒ men zài…jiàn) Meet me at…
我等你。(wǒ děng nǐ) I’ll wait for you.
不见不散。(bú jiàn bù sàn) I won’t leave until you come.
别放我鸽子!(bié fàng wǒ gē zi) Please don’t stand me up!
我们走吧!(wǒ men zǒu ba) Let’s go!
请送我去。。。(qǐng sòng wǒ qù…) Please give me a ride to…
你可以来这里吗?(nǐ kě yǐ lái zhè lǐ ma?) Can you come here?
Going to the Movies with Chinese Friends
我们去看电影。(wǒ men qù kàn diàn yǐng) Let’s go and see a movie.
你看过。。。吗? (nǐ kàn guò…ma?) Have you seen…?
We have a list of movie translations you can use to talk about films with your Chinese friends.
请给我两张票。(qǐng gěi wǒ liǎng zhāng piào) Two tickets please.
你喜欢看什么电影?(nǐ xǐ huan kàn shén me diàn yǐng) What kind of movie would you like to see?

科幻片 (kē huàn piàn) Science fiction
喜剧片 (xǐ jù piàn) Comedy
言情片 (yán qíng piàn) Romance
歌舞片 (gē wǔ piàn) Musical

恐怖片 (kǒng bù piàn) Horror
灵异片 (líng yì piàn) Supernatural Horror
史诗片 (shǐ shī piàn) Historical Epic
动作片 (dòng zuò piàn) Adventure

警匪片 (jǐng fěi piàn) Gangster
魔幻片 (mó huàn piàn) Fantasy
惊悚片 (jīng sǒng piàn) Thriller
悬疑片 (xuán yí piàn) Mystery

西部片 (xī bù piàn) Western
色情片 (sè qíng piàn) X-rated
欧美电影 (ōu měi diàn yǐng) Movie from the West
中国电影 (zhōng guó diàn yǐng) Chinese movie
好主意 (hǎo zhǔ yi) Good idea.
让我想一下。(ràng wǒ xiǎng yī xià) Let me think it over.
你决定了吗?(nǐ jué dìng le ma) Have you decided yet?
随便你。 (suí biàn nǐ) It’s up to you.
你定。(nǐ dìng) You decide.
你住哪儿?(nǐ zhù nǎr) Where do you live?
你的地址是什么? (nǐ de dì zhǐ shì shén me?) What’s your address?
请写一下。(qǐng xiě yī xià) Please write it down.
我送你回家。(wǒ sòng nǐ huí jiā) I’ll see you home.
慢走。(màn zǒu) Watch your step/ Take care
我发信息给你。(wǒ fā xìn xī gěi nǐ) I’ll send you a message.
打电话给我。(dǎ diàn huà gěi wǒ) Give me a call.
有空见。(yǒu kòng jiàn) Let’s meet if you have time.
我先走。(wǒ xiān zǒu) I’ll leave first.
回头见。(huí tóu jiàn) See you in a while.
改天见。(gǎi tiān jiàn) See you another time.
明天见。(míng tiān jiàn) See you tomorrow.
晚上见。 (wǎn shang jiàn) See you tonight.
再来。(zài lái) Come back sometime!
再见。(zài jiàn) Goodbye.