Written Chinese

3D-Printed Houses? No way!

Posted by Bethany from WrittenChinese.Com

Recently in the news there has been a lot of buzz about 3D-printed houses in China. Using this technology, one Chinese company was able to “print” ten houses in just twenty-four hours! Here are some Chinese words related to 3D printers and construction:

 1. 打印机 (dǎ yìn jī) = printer

Example: 我拿我的打印机去修了. (Wǒ ná wǒ de dǎyìnjī qù xiūle) = I took my printer in to get it fixed.

2. 三维 (sān wéi) = 3D

Example: 他在我们公司是负责做三维动画的. (Tā zài wǒmen gōngsī shì fùzé zuò sānwéi dònghuà de) = He was the one responsible for the 3D animation in our company.

3. 三维打印机 (sān wéi dǎ yìn jī) = 3D printer

Example: 三维打印机是一种新型的打印机. (Sānwéi dǎyìnjī shì yī zhǒng xīnxíng de dǎyìnjī) = 3D printers are a new kind of printer.

3D-Printed Houses

4. 房子(fáng zi) = house

Example: 我想拥有一套自己的房子. (Wǒ xiǎng yǒngyǒu yī tào zìjǐ de fángzi ) = I want to have my own house.

5. 建造 (jiàn zào ) = to construct

Example: 建造一个大厦你需要有严格的设计方案.(Jiànzào yīgè dàshà nǐ xūyào yǒu yángé de shèjì fāng’àn) = To construct a building, you need to have a strict design proposal.

3D-Printed Houses

6. 水泥 (shuǐ ní) = cement

Example: 水泥是建筑楼房的重要材料.(Shuǐní shì jiànzhú lóufáng de zhòngyào cáiliào) = Cement is an important material for building construction.

7. 环保(huán bǎo) = environmentally-friendly

Example: 环保问题值得每个人的重视. (Huánbǎo wèntí zhídé měi gèrén de zhòngshì) = Environmentally-friendly issues are worth considering.

8. 划算(huá suàn) = cost-effective

Example: 去超市买东西比在商场划算. (Qù chāoshì mǎi dōng xī bǐ zài shāngchǎng huásuàn) = Purchasing goods at the supermarket is more cost-effective than buying things at the mall.

3D-Printed Houses

9. 可循环材料(kě xún huán cái liào) = recyclable materials

Example: 我们应该在更多的产品中使用可循环材料. (Wǒmen yīnggāi zài gèng duō de chǎnpǐn zhōng shǐyòng kě xúnhuán cáiliào) = We should have more products that are made from recyclable materials.

10. 技术(jì shù) = technology

Example: 人类正在不断研究新技术. (Rénlèi zhèngzài bùduàn yánjiū xīn jìshù) = Humans are constantly exploring new technologies.


For more information, check out these articles:

Mashable: Chinese Company Builds Houses Quickly With 3D Printing

BusinessInsider: A Chinese Company 3-D Printed 10 Houses In A Day

Web Urbanist: 10 in 1 Day: Chinese Homes 3D-Printed from Scraps Materials

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