不过是分手 (bù guò shì fēn shǒu) or Nothing But Breaking Up is a ‘micro-drama’ made up of eight 3-minute long episodes. The series is fast paced, extremely engaging and also a great tool for learning Chinese!
These super short mini shows are the newest novelty to come out of China’s video streaming app 抖音 (dǒu yīn). Unfortunately, 抖音 (dǒu yīn) Douyin is not available for people not using a Chinese app store, but luckily, it can be accessed on both bili bili and YouTube!
不过是分手 (bù guò shì fēn shǒu) Nothing But Breaking Up tells the story of 陈思贤 (chén sī xián) Chen Sixian, a young man who feels trapped in a relationship with his college sweetheart, 小羽 (xiǎo yǔ) Xiao Yu, who is constantly ‘breaking up’ with him. When she goes to Shanghai on a business trip, Sixian decides to go out with an old flame but gets caught out. After suffering a tragedy, Sixian goes on a journey to try and turn back time and change that regrettable night.
Using 不过是分手 to Learn Chinese in 3 Minutes
Although some of the narration is quite fast, most video streaming services, including YouTube and bili bili allow you to change the speed of the video so that, if needed, you can take more time to watch the subtitles.
Watch the whole series on bilibili
Tips For Watching:
1. Learn or review the words in the vocabulary list below:
I have created a list of words to learn that you may not be familiar with for the following episode. You can click on each of them to learn more.
2. Watch with subtitles turned on
To get a better understanding of what’s been said, turn on the subtitles for the episode so that you can follow along.
3. Slow down the speed of the show
The speed is quite fast, especially of Chen Si Xian’s opening monologue. There are options to slow the speed to half or even a quarter of the speed in order for you to read the subtitles.
4. Test your understanding of the English translation
You can watch the show with English subtitles on Youtube, or you can read the script below!
Let’s get started…
不过是分手 Nothing But Breaking Up
Episode 1 Vocabulary
- 分手 (fēn shǒu) to break up
- 高中女神 (gāo zhōng nǚ shén) high school ‘goddess’ / sweetheart
- 解释 (jiě shì) explain / explanation
- 准备结婚 (zhǔn bèi jié hūn) prepare to get married
- 追忆 (zhuī yì) reminisce
- 熟悉 (shú xī) familiar
- GG – used to express ‘game over’ to praise the opponent.
- 冷静 (lěng jìng) cool-headed/calm
- 怂 (sǒng) ‘terrified’ but in this situation means ‘to give in’
- 硬气 (yìng qì) firm / strong willed
- 后悔 (hòu huǐ) to regret
- 毕竟 (bì jìng) after all
- 跟踪 (gēn zōng) to follow
- 翻来覆去 (fān lái fù qù) to toss and turn (sleeplessly)
- 制片人 (zhì piàn rén) producer
- 导演 (dǎo yǎn) director
- 编剧 (biān jù) screenwriter
- 摄影师 (shè yǐng shī) camera operator
剧本 (jù běn) Script
Please note, the English translation is not a word-for-word translation of the Chinese, but has been modified slightly to sound more natural. Click on the Chinese linked text to see each character and their meaning.
我的警告是最后一遍, 如果你要分手我也随便。(wǒ de jǐng gào shì zuì hòu yī biàn, rú guǒ nǐ yào fēn shǒu wǒ yě suí biàn) It’s my last warning, if you want to break up, I will do as you want.
王梓骏导演作品 (Wáng Zǐjùn dǎo yǎn zuò pǐn) The work of the director, Wang Zijun
陈思贤 (chén sī xián) Chen Sixian:
我的女朋友小羽有一个环毛病,(wǒ de nǚ péng you xiǎo yǔ yǒu yī gè huán máo bìng) My girlfriend, Xiao Yu has a bad habit:
太爱讲分手。(tài ài jiǎng fēn shǒu) she loves to say ‘let’s break up’.
女孩子嘛,(nǚ hái zǐ ma) Girls…
爱生气,(ài shēng qì) become angry easily
可以理解,(kě yǐ lǐ jiě) this, I can understand…
可是天天提分手也不好吧? (kě shì tiān tiān tí fēn shǒu yě bù hǎo ba) But threatening to break up every day isn’t good, right?
今年准备结婚,(jīn nián zhǔn bèi jié hūn) This year, we’re planning to get married,
是时候好好谈一谈了。(shì shí hou hǎo hǎo tán yī tán le) so it’s time to talk about it.
不过不是现在。(bù guò bú shì bù shi xiàn zài) Only not right now.
现在小羽应该在飞机上。(xiàn zài xiǎo yǔ yīng gāi zài fēi jī shàng) Right now, Xiao Yu should be on a flight.
这是我高中的女神,(zhè shì wǒ gāo zhōng de nǚ shén) This my high school sweetheart
朋友圈里见她来了深圳,(péng you quān lǐ jiàn lái le shēn zhèn) I saw on my friend ‘moments’ that she was in Shenzhen
简单留了个言,(jiǎn dān liú le gè yán) so I just left (her) a message,
她约我吃晚饭,(tā yuē wǒ chī wǎn fàn) and she invited me to dinner.
我还在犹豫的时候,(wǒ hái zài yóu yù de shí hòu) I hesitated,
就已经到这里了。(jiù yǐ jīng dào zhè lǐ le) but I’m here now.
我们追忆了美好的过去,(wǒ men zhuī yì le měi hǎo de guò qu) We reminisce about good times,
感慨了不堪的现在,(gǎn kǎi le bù kān de xiàn zài) sighing over the hardships of nowadays.
不记得有没有展望未来,(bù jì de yǒu méi yǒu zhǎn wàng wèi lái) I forget if we talked about the future.
然后就什么都不记得了,(rán hòu jiù shén me dōu bù jì de le) Then, I don’t remember anything.
直到我听到一个熟悉的声音… (zhí dào wǒ tīng dào yī gè shú xī de shēng yīn) Until I heard a familiar voice…

小羽 (xiǎo yǔ) Xiao Yu:
陈思贤! (chén sī xián) Chen Sixian!
陈思贤 (chén sī xián) Chen Sixian:
小羽…(xiǎo yǔ) Xiao Yu…
GG Game over
不知道为什么小羽会出现。(bù zhī dao wèi shén me xiǎo yǔ huì chū xiàn) I don’t know why Xiao Yu appeared…
为什么会抱着佳琪。(wèi shén me huì bào zhe Jiā qí) or why I’m hugging Jia Qi
冷静,冷静。(lěng jìng, lěng jìng) Stay calm, Stay calm.
我想我是可以解释清楚的。(wǒ xiǎng wǒ shì kě yǐ jiě shì qīng chu de) I think I can explain clearly.
小羽… (xiǎo yǔ) Xiao Yu…
小羽 (xiǎo yǔ) Xiao Yu:
我也不知道这一巴掌会不会太过分。(wǒ yě bù zhī dao zhè yī bā zhǎng huì bú huì tài guò fèn) I don’t know if the slap was too much.
因为上海那边下了暴雨,(yīn wèi shàng hǎi shàng hǎi xià le bào yǔ) Because there was torrential rain in Shanghai
航班取消了,(háng bān qǔ xiāo le) the flight was cancelled.
没带钥匙,(méi dài yào shi) I didn’t have my key,
回不了家,(huí bù liǎo jiā) so I couldn’t go back home.
电话他不接,(diàn huà tā bù jiē) He didn’t pick up the phone
在门口等得肚子饿,(zài mén kǒu děng de dù zi è) I waited at the door until I got hungry
出去找吃的,(chū qù zhǎo chī de) then I went to find food.
就在我俩经常去的餐厅门口 (jiù zài wǒ liǎ jīng cháng qù de cān tīng mén kǒu) I was just at the entrance of the restaurant we often go to.
陈思贤!(chén sī xián) Chen Sixian!
陈思贤 (chén sī xián) Chen Sixian:
小羽,你听我解释。 (xiǎo yǔ, nǐ tīng wǒ jiě shì) Xiao Yu, I can explain (listen to my explanation).
小羽 (xiǎo yǔ) Xiao Yu:
你最好给我解释清楚。(nǐ zuì hǎo gěi wǒ jiě shì qīng chu) You had better explain
有什么好解释的?!(yǒu shén me hǎo jiě shì de) What’s the explanation?!
分手吧!(fēn shǒu ba) We’re breaking up!
陈思贤 (chén sī xián) Chen Sixian:
又说分手。(yòu shuō fēn shǒu) Again, you say let’s breakup
七年了,(qī nián le) It’s been 7 years
每次你一说分手我就怂。(měi cì nǐ yī shuō fēn shǒu wǒ jiù sǒng) and every time you say ‘let’s break up’ I give in.
这次我要硬气一回。(zhè cì wǒ yào yìng qì yī huí) This time I won’t give in. (I’ll be firm)
分手就分手。(fēn shǒu jiù fēn shǒu) Let’s break up
有完没完。(yǒu wán méi wán) I’m done with this.
小羽 (xiǎo yǔ) Xiao Yu:
陈思贤,你说什么啊?(chén sī xián, nǐ shuō shén me a) Chen Sixian,what did you say?!
陈思贤 (chén sī xián) Chen Sixian:
每次你一生气,(měi cì nǐ yī shēng qì) Every time you get angry
你就说分手,(nǐ jiù shuō fēn shǒu) you say ‘let’s break up’,
我还不能生气一次了? (wǒ hái bù néng shēng qì yī cì le) and I can’t get angry once?
小羽 (xiǎo yǔ) Xiao Yu:
行。 你别后悔。(xíng. nǐ bié hòu huǐ) OK, then don’t regret this.
陈思贤 (chén sī xián) Chen Sixian:
不能怂,不能怂。(bù néng sǒng, bù néng sǒng) Don’t give in, don’t give in
趁机会,让她也反省下总说分手这件事。(chèn jī huì, ràng tā yě fǎn xǐng xià zǒng shuō fēn shǒu zhè jiàn shì) This is an opportunity,for her to reflect on the mistake of always saying ‘let’s break up’.
你每次说分手,(nǐ měi cì shuō fēn shǒu) Every time you say ‘let’s break up’
你后悔过吗?(nǐ hòu huǐ guò ma) did you regret it?
李斯羽,你走了可别后悔!(lǐ sī yǔ, nǐ zǒu le kě bié hòu huǐ) Li Siyu, don’t regret walking away!

Jiaqi’s MSG:
老同学,预祝新婚快乐,不要惹嫂子生气哦!(lǎo tóng xué, yù zhù xīn hūn kuài lè bù yào rě sǎo zi shēng qì ó) Old classmate, congratulations beforehand on your happy wedding. Don’t make sister-in-law (Xiao Yu) angry!
陈思贤 (chén sī xián) Chen Sixian:
这下彻底GG了. (zhè xià chè dǐ GG le) This is completely game over.
快十一点了还不回家 (kuài shí yī diǎn le hái bù huí jiā) It’s almost 11 and she’s still not home
她会去哪儿?(tā huì qù nǎr) Where did she go?
不行,谁先打电话就输了。(bù xíng, shéi xiān dǎ diàn huà jiù shū le) No, I lose if I call first.
我又没做错什么。(wǒ yòu méi zuò cuò shén me) I didn’t do anything wrong.
毕竟抱了别人,(bì jìng bào le bié rén) After all… I was hugging someone else,
她也应该生气。(tā yě yīng gāi shēng qì) so she has the right to be angry.
但是她居然跟踪我,(dàn shì tā jū rán gēn zōng wǒ) But she was stalking me!
还骗我去上海给我下套。(hái piàn wǒ qù shàng hǎi gěi wǒ xià tào) She tricked me with her trip to Shanghai.
这就不对了吧 (zhè jiù jiù duì le ba) That’s not right.
可是无论何如 (kě shì wú lùn hé rú) But no matter what
毕竟一起七年了 (bì jìng yī qǐ qī nián le) we’ve been together for 7 years.
不过 (bù guò) But…
哎,不想了, 不想了,(āi, bù xiǎng le, bù xiǎng le) Forget about it
都冷静下也好。(dōu lěng jìng xià yě hǎo) (Let’s) both calm down
睡觉,睡觉 。(shuì jiào, shuì jiào) and go to bed.
翻来覆去睡不着 (fān lái fù qù shuì bù zháo) I Tossed and turned, but can’t sleep.
还是和她解释一下吧。(hái shì hé tā jiě shì yī xià ba) Nevertheless, let me explain to her.
您好,您拨叫的用户暂时… (nín hǎo, nín bō jiào de yòng hù zàn shí) Sorry, the user you are calling……
哎,一吵架就关机。 (āi, yī chǎo jià jiù guān jī) She turned off the phone because we fought.
您好,您拨叫的用户暂时无法接通 (nín hǎo, nín bō jiào de yòng hù zàn shí wú fǎ jiē tōng) Sorry, the user you are calling cannot be connected
还在生气? (hái zài shēng qì) (She’s) still angry?
您好,您拨叫的用户暂时无法接通 (nín hǎo, nín bō jiào de yòng hù zàn shí wú fǎ jiē tōng) Sorry, the user you are calling cannot be connected.
X Fuck
又不是只有你会生气。(yòu bú shì zhǐ yǒu nǐ huì kuài shēng qì) You’re not the only one who’s angry.
您好,您拨叫的用… (nín hǎo, nín bō jiào de yòng) Sorry, the u…
好歹接个电话报个平安。(hǎo dǎi jiē gè diàn huà bào gè píng ān) It doesn’t matter how just answer the phone to say everything is ok.
您好,您拨叫的用户暂时无法接通 (nín hǎo, nín bō jiào de yòng hù zàn shí wú fǎ jiē tōng) Sorry, the user you are calling cannot be connected.
还是不肯接,不会出事了吧?(hái shì bù kěn jiē, bù huì chū shì le ba) (She) still doesn’t answer the phone, has there been an accident?

不是吧,这下彻底GG了。 (bú shì ba, zhè xià chè dǐ GG le) Oh no,it’s completely game over…
下集预告 (xià jí yù gào) In the next episode…
这里是南山交警中队,(zhè lǐ shì nán shān jiāo jǐng zhōng duì) This is Nanshan traffic police,
晚上十点四十分左右 (wǎn shang shí diǎn sì shí fēn zuǒ yòu) At about 11:40 in the evening…
北环附近发生了一起交通事故 (běi huán fù jìn fā shēng le yī qǐ jiāo tōng shì gù) …there was an accident near Beihuan (Avenue)
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