It is a well-known fact that the luxury market does quite well in China. From cars to purses to bathroom fixtures, China has the demand and China has the money. Here is a list of some of the luxury brands that you will see in China. Most of them have a phonetic spelling.
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古奇 (gǔ qí) = Gucci
古 (gǔ) = ancient / old
奇 (qí) = strange / odd / weird / wonderful
普拉达 (pǔ lā dá) = Prada
普 (pǔ) = general / popular
拉 (lā) = to pull / to drag
达 (dá) = to attain / to reach
路易威登 (lù yì wēi dēng) = Louis Vuitton
路 (lù) = road / path / way
易 (yì) = change / easy / simple
威 (wēi ) = power / might / prestige
登 (dēng) = scale / climb / ascend / mount
宝马 (bǎo mǎ) = BMW
宝 (bǎo) = a jewel or gem / a treasure
马 (mǎ) = horse

奥迪 (ào dí) = Audi
奥 (ào) = obscure / mysterious
迪 (dí) = direct / to enlighten / to follow
梅塞德斯 (méi sài dé sī) = Mercedes
梅 (méi) = plum / plum flower
塞 (sài) = to stop up / to squeeze in / to stuff / cork
德 (dé) = virtue / goodness / morality
斯(sī) = (phonetic) / this
宝格丽 (bǎo gé lì) = Bvlgari
宝 (bǎo) = a jewel or gem / a treasure
格 (gé) = square / frame / rule
丽 (lì) = beautiful

卡地亚 (kǎ dì yà) = Cartier
卡 (kǎ) = to stop / to block / card
地 (dì) = earth / ground / field / place
亚 (yà) = Asia / Asian
劳力士 (láo lì shì) = Rolex
劳 (láo) = toil
力 (lì) = power / force / strength
士 (shì) = scholar / warrior / knight
阿玛尼 (ā mǎ ní) = Giorgio Armani
乔治 (qiáo zhì) = George (name)
阿 (ā) = (phonetic character)
玛 (mǎ) = agate / cornelian
尼 (ní) = Buddhist nun
杰尼亚 (jié ní yà) = Ermenegildo Zegna
杰 (jié) = hero / heroic / outstanding person
尼 (ní) = Buddhist nun
亚 (yà) = Asia / Asian
范思哲 (Fànsīzhé) = Versace
范 (Fàn) = pattern / model / example
思 (sī) = to think / to consider
哲 (zhé) = philosophy / wise

蒂芙尼 (dì fú ní) = Tiffany & Co.
蒂 (dì) = stem of fruit
芙 (fú) = lotus
尼 (ní) = Buddhist nun
芬迪 (fēn dí) = Fendi
芬 (fēn) = perfume / fragrance
迪 (dí) = direct / to enlighten / to follow
卡尔文克莱因 (kǎ ěr wén kè lái yīn) = Calvin Klein
卡 (kǎ) = to stop / to block
尔 (ěr) = thus / so
文 (wén) = language / culture
克 (kè) = to be able to / to subdue / to restrain
文 (lái) = name of weed plant
因 (yīn) = because
爱马仕 (ài mǎ shì) = Hermès
爱 (ài) = to love / affection
马 (mǎ) = horse
仕 (shì) = to serve as an official / an official

迪奥(dí ào) = Dior
迪 (dí) = direct / to enlighten
奥 (ào) = obscure / mysterious
巴宝莉 (bā bǎo lì) = Burberry
巴 (bā) = to long for
宝 (bǎo) = jewel
莉 (lì) = jasmine
欧米茄表公司 (ōu mǐ jiā biǎo gōng sī) = Omega
欧 (ōu) = europe
米 (mǐ) = rice / meter
茄 (jiā) = phonetic character used in loanwords
表 (biǎo) = wrist or pocket watch
公司 (gōng sī) = company
香奈儿 (xiāng nàir) = Chanel
香 (xiāng) = fragrant / sweet
奈 (nài) = how can one help
儿 (er) = non-syllabic diminutive suffix

轩尼诗 (xuān ní shī) = Hennessy
轩 (xuān) = pavilion with a view
尼 (ní) = used in phonetic spellings
诗 (shī) = poem / poetry